If you need accommodation, we've got you covered with a number of special deals from surrounding hotels.
Booking Offer: 15% discount on the standard available rate.
To view these special rates, click on the link below and follow these steps:
1. Select “BOOK” in the top left hand corner
2. Select your hotel, enter your dates and number of people
3. Click on "I HAVE A CODE"
4. In the “CORPORATE ID” field enter your corporate ID: REUNION25
5. Click “CHECK ROOMS”
6. Your special rates will appear on the rates screen
Corporate ID code: REUNION25
Booking Stay Dates: 10/09/25 – 13/09/25 (subject to availability)
Booking Offer: 15% discount on the standard available rate.
Booking Stay Dates: 10/09/25 – 14/09/25 (subject to availability)
Booking Offer: 15% off the best available rate at time of booking
Promo code: REU0925
Booking Stay Dates: 10/09/25 – 14/09/25 (subject to availability)